Chronology of key events 1945-73

1945 Second World War ends, leaving millions of people in Europe stranded outside their homelands.  Many of these 'displaced persons' lived in appalling circumstances in camps in Western Europe, unable to return to their former countries which had been annexed by the USSR
1946 Commonwealth and State Ministers confer in Canberra on Australia's Immigration Program.

Australia agrees to provide free and assisted passages for selected British immigrants.

1947 Post-war immigration boom beings.  First post-war free and assisted British immigrants arrive in Australia.  Australia agrees with the International Refugee Organisation to settle 'displaced persons' from war-torn Europe.  Large numbers of European refugees and voluntary migrants arrive in Australia over the following decade.  First Commonwealth immigrant reception and training centre for non-British immigrants established at Bonegilla, Victoria.
1948 Immigration agreement made with Malta.
1949 Australian citizenship created.
1951 Immigration agreements made with Italy and the Netherlands.
1952 Immigration agreements made with Austria, Belgium, Greece, West Germany and Spain.
1957 'Bring out a Briton' campaign begins.
1958 Migration Act abolishes the 'dictation test' and replaces it with an entry permit system.
1959 Assisted passages costing 10 pound offered to Britons.
1966 Restrictions on non-Europeans immigrating and becoming citizens are eased.
1967 Immigration agreement made with Turkey.
1973 Policy of non-discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or nationality in the selection of immigrants adopted.


Modern Australian History

The beginning of Immigration to Australia Convicts in Australia Letter from a convict


immigration background Attitudes towards European immigration Postwar immigration Extracts - Immigration Restriction Act 1901 Refugee's story

Chronology of key events from:

1848-1890 leading upto Gold 1892-1945 1945-73 1973-92

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