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Aboriginals perform cultural dances.
Aboriginal art, which can be found in many ancient locations, especially in NT

spiritual03.jpg (17802 bytes) please continue to be patient, more information will be provided when available (last modified 03-OCT-99).  For more information on the background of aboriginal immigration please visit the history background in the history link spiritual01.jpg (20778 bytes)


spiritual04.jpg (17315 bytes) Aboriginal people have lived in the Kimberley for many tens of thousands of years. Their relationship with the land and the spiritual and cultural heritage arising from this interaction, are reflected in their original rock art. spiritual02.jpg (20054 bytes)


symbols.jpg (32805 bytes) Aboriginal symbols.  Many of the rock art around Australia today help make up the heritage of our country.  The art is not produced for entertainment but has a meaning for the Aboriginal people.  All art is preserved and left in its natural environment, it should never be removed.

Please visit the history section below for more information.

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