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Capital Canberra
Area: 7,682,300sq Km (2,966,155sq miles)
% of World's Area 5%
Population (1991) 16,900,000
% of World's Population 0.3%
Elevation Mt Kosciusko, 7,310ft (2,228metr) - Lake Eyre, 39ft (12mtre) below
Political Divisions 2 Territories and 6 states (suggestions of a 7th state)
National Anthem "Advance Australia Fair"
National Holiday Australia Day, January 26

The full official name of Australia is actually 'Commonwealth of Australia" but ofcourse to most it is known as 'The Land Down under'  This lucky continent is known to be one of the world's oldest land areas.  It has been separated from many other continents, this is why we have such mysterious creatures as the Kangaroo, Koala and Platypus.  Australia is a British continent, pushing for independance as you will find in the history section below. 

Australia is a multi-cultural country comprised of many races, including that of its very own natives.  It is also a great place for tourists with its many notable attractions.

more information will be provided when available

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