Plants native to Australia

11 - 17

Clawflower, it comes from the same family as Bottle Brush and has a rather similar characteristic. Scientifically known as Calothamnus

Yellow Mountain Bell

Yellow Morrison Verticordia chrysantha.  This flower belongs to the chrysantha family (October's flower).  This lovely bunch of sweet flowers live in Perth.

Corky Honeymyrtle, Melaleuca Suberosa.  These grows in Western Australia.

Grevillea, Grevillea miniata.  Lovely gift for your grandmother, easy to maintain, if not just neglect them then they'll die.   I'm trying to make these flowers more interesting since my knowledge of these things is extremely limited.  This bunch spend their time growing in Western Australia.

This is also a Grevillea, though this is a Grevillea goodii.  Fine looking fern, similar to a snap dragon. (Northern Territory - Table Top Range.)

Showy Dryandra, Dryandra nobilis.  This is a distinctive plant and a proud resident of Western Australia.


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